Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Email vs Mail: Similarities and Differences

When looking at email and standard mail it would be easy to assume that they are simply different because one is digital and one is not. However that is not the case, while these two forms of communication may have their differences they also share similarities. One similarity shared between email and mail is that they both require an address to which the mail will be sent. The one difference between this though is that if an address is written wrong on an envelope there is a chance for that letter or package to still get to it's intended destination with the help of the local post office trouble shooting to find the right address. While on the email side of things if the email address is wrong, even by one character, the email will fail to send. Another similarity shared between these two mediums, which can also be considered a nuisance is spam and junk mail. In you email these types of messages will appear in your spam or junk folder while regular mail users will receive the junk mail mixed in with their regular mail. One major difference between email and mail is speed. With email you can have a message sent anywhere in the world with the push of a button and it'l be there in seconds. Whereas with standard mail it could take anywhere from 5 days to weeks depending on where the mail is heading. All in all while there may be similarities between email and mail, email has the upper hand in terms of efficiency and speed while standard mail simply offer the ability to receive large bulk items, but who knows maybe even something like that could change in the evolving world of technology.

All in all while the interface for email may be similar to standard mail, email has the overall advantage in speed and effiency while standard mail is still the go to service for recieving large items, and reaching those without Internet access.  

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